I was reminded that the Neocities comment feed is perhaps the WORST place to have long form discussions, so I'm replying in a text file. After this, I won't be replying under this entry any more but, if I feel the need, I WILL respond in another diary entry later. You are free to comment on what I've written, but please be respectful of other's feeds. If you have a lot to say, link your own text file or blog post or something. I'll read it! To Cabbage: Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my li'l ol' essay, haha... I hope that you can get the rest you need and that life lets up on you soon. Take care of yourself, okay? You're worth it. I'll always support you, too. I've admired you from the moment we met and I still think of you whenever I eat leafy vegetables. Now, the rest of this document contains swear words; discussions of rape, pornography, and male violence; and unbridled feminine anger. I am so fucking angry y'all. Towards the end, I absolutely do not hold back so please brace yourself now. So, in reply to Birdwrongs: again I thank you for being kind to me. We don't know each other but I suspect you've been in my guestbook before. I recognise your gentle manner and value for friendship, and I do have to commend your integrity to loving kindness. If I'm hostile in my response, that energy isn't directed at you specifically. It reflects my outrage at the woman-haters of the world. Before anything else, I just have to point out... "femme trans men" and "butch trans women?" You're describing people who adhere to gender roles but for some reason still refuse to identify with their birth sex. There's nothing wrong with any person of any sex wearing whatever clothes they want, but I just want to ask... WHY can't this "femme trans man" just be a woman? If she doesn't have a problem with gender conformity (because female femininity IS gender conformity), then what's so bad about being female? Is that "unique relationship to gender" actually just internalised misogyny? And when it comes to a "butch trans woman," LOL I'm sorry but that genuinely just disgusts me. It's a man. A literal man. A whole hairy, ugly, penis-having, sloppily dressed MAN insisting he's totally female, ackshully. I do not respect any scrotefolk and every permutation of "transwomanhood" offends me, but at the very least you could put some effort into your lies. At least TRY to convince me you deserve special privileges and protections. It reeks of male privilege that this guy can walk around, changing nothing about his appearance, lifestyle, or candor, and still expect to be treated ~delicately~ because he's soooo uwu opwessed. And I shouldn't have to say this, but "butch" is a word reserved for female homosexuals. A man attracted to women, no matter what he wears or calls himself, is not a fucking lesbian! He's not even homosexual?!? What dystopian timeline are we living in where the basic definition of every sexual ortientation is confusing to us? As an ACTUAL lesbian-- one with a preference for butches, I might add-- this seriously horrifies me. Transgenderism seeks to rewrite my immutable fucking sexuality. It's corrective rape on a psychosocial scale. My essay was mostly about misogyny, not homophobia, so forgive me for not elaborating on all this up front. I also didn't get into the full extent of my man hate... because yes I am a manhater. I admit this. I'm proud about it. And I know it's not necessarily "helpful," "virtuous," or "good," but hell yeah I am fucking misandrist, especially towards the most sexist men alive. Men so sexist that it's not enough hate women as the "other," they've got to hate us by pretending to BE us. By colonising us so thoroughly that we're not even allowed to be FEMALE anymore!!!!! Lol... I got mad again. This is the outrage I'm talking about. Birdwrongs, I don't think you contribute to these violations directly, but you do enable them by going to bat for the trans community. By all means, love who you love, support your friends as individuals, and live your truth, whatever that may be. That's your right as a free human being. I welcome any and every woman to disagree with me and fight for what she believes in. But I'm fighting, too. I consider it my duty. Transgenderism actively hurts women and girls, especially lesbians, especially Black women, especially the most vulnerable women (e.g. girl children, incarcerated women). We're at a point where this is not "live and let live" type shit anymore-- if ever. Maybe this essay needs a serious part two where I explain exactly what I *can't* live with. Because I was initially corresponding with a female person, I focused mostly on the actions, beliefs, and identities of female people. But what truly outrages me is the abhorrent, insidious, VIOLENT male behaviour that the trans community either celebrates, hides, or excuses. I assume that women like you just don't know how deep it goes. I was blissfully ignorant for years. I bought into the lies that "transwomen" are indistinguishable from natal women. I believed that their motivations for "transitioning" were comparable to female motivations. But women and girls rebuke womanhood because we're suffocated by the patriarchy. We need a shield against misogyny and, if we're sexually interested in women, homophobia. It's a misguided solution, as I've already explained, but overall it's a protective measure. I don't blame any woman of any age for wanting to protect herself from oppression. We are SUPPOSED to do that! There are some male homosexual transsexuals (HSTS) who want to protect themselves from homophobia, too. I still think it's cruel and unfair that use female identities to do this. That is inherently misogynistic. Crossdress all you want, be GNC, just don't pretend you know anything about being female. "Femininity" is not "female," and a feminine presentation is not what makes a woman. And no matter what they say, act like, or wear, penis-havers ARE NOT and CANNOT BECOME women. Fullstop. We're all better off if we stop pretending about this. So while I can acknowledge the damage caused by the inherently sexist HSTS worldview, I can sympathise, on a basic level, as a fellow GNC homosexual. It's rough out here. Everybody else, though...? All these other penis-havers...? (Some HSTS are like this, too. Probably most but not all.) "Trans" is their fetish. It's paraphillic. These days, men and boys of every age are addicted to pornography, and porn addiction means watching and wanking to increasingly subversive, bizarre, violent, and hateful images. If you're ignorant of the link between autogynhephilia, "sissification" fetishes, and trans-identification-- it's time to start learning. The "standard" level of degradation and abuse apparent in 80% of mainstream porn just isn't enough to get them off anymore. Now they need to self-insert as the woman being abused! And they must equate femaleness with hyperfeminity, with stupidity, powerlessness, objectification... When "transwomen" say they are "women," they're not thinking about Maya Angelou, Harriet Tubman, Malala Yousafzai, Mother Teresa, Marie Curie, Amelia Earheart. They're disinterested in shows of female virtue. They don't want our determination, our empathy, our integrity, our power. To them, "woman" is a creature that exists only to be subjugated and used. "Woman" is a creature so pathetic she craves rape. "Raped" is what she was born to be. "Hole to violate" is all she is. When men say they are "women," this is what their porn-rotted brains refer to. Not Susan B. Anthony. "Susan B. Fucked-ony." If this shocks and disgusts you... GOOD! WE SHOULD ALL BE SHOCKED AND FUCKING DISGUSTED! If you can hardly believe what I'm telling you, that's because it's so outrageous and upsetting that I ALSO wish it wasn't true. But it is. And when I come back to turn to this into a proper essay with all my ~receipts,~ you will see that unfortunately this really is the world we live in. This is the trans community I supported. I can't support it any longer. I can't pretend this isn't happening. I can't pretend this ideology is safe for women, especially not the young girls like me who supported "transwomen." I was completely clueless about all of this! So naturally I am raising awareness now. Do you better understand why I'm so supremely angry? So stubborn? So vocal? I'm not just protesting men in skirts-- wear the fucking skirt, I literally don't care. It's a piece of fabric and you don't need a fancy label or special treatment to be GNC. What I'm protesting is male violence against vulnerable women and girls. And ALL OF US are vulnerable, simply by virtue of being female. That's what it means to live in a female body in a patriarchal society. We won't get anywhere so long as we're ignorant to or complacent about woman-hate. In closing, I apologise to the spirit of Mrs. Anthony for that horrible pun. Thank you for championing for female suffrage. And thank YOU for reading. I'll be back. Until someone can prove to me that I'm wrong about all this, I'm never going to shut up.