★ Updates ★
- 2024.10.31 I replied to 4 pages of guestbook comments! Go get your (extremely delayed) Flonne attention!!!
- 2024.10.28 FINALLY!!! A BRAND NEW DIARY!!!!
- 2024.10.21 Tried to write a diary entry, but got anxious and gave up.
- 2024.10.20 Finally finished writing the about page!!! I want to publish soon...
- 2024.10.13 I took a break... now I'm finishing up my index!
- 2024.09.16 Now I'm working on my about page!!!
- 2024.09.15 Happy anniversary, UNDERTALE! I'm creating my diary template...
- 2024.09.12 I'm all rested up! Vivarism 3.0... START!!!!